Cynthia Eshiuan Lee. An ordinary girl from Taiwan who is eager to meet the world. My home towns: Taiwan (Taipei & Hsin-Chu), Sweden (Göteborg), USA (New York & California)

目前分類:瑞典學習-Q2 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

難怪瑞典人都要一起念書 因為他們的老師都常常亂來,要自己念完時間又不夠= =

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These are my Digital Communication Project partners, Jonas and Ahmed.

In this Quarter, we have worked on two projects together.
The last one, which we have handed in on Friday, Dec.07 was especially unforgettable.

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今天中午是Digital Comm的oral exam~~

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我們跟到的是Astra Zeneca(製藥廠)+SEB(銀行)
在vasaplatsen集合 搭遊覽車去 真像去校外教學XDD

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