Cynthia Eshiuan Lee. An ordinary girl from Taiwan who is eager to meet the world. My home towns: Taiwan (Taipei & Hsin-Chu), Sweden (Göteborg), USA (New York & California)

目前分類:Summer 2008@Taiwan (12)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
Andrea是我的一位兒時玩伴 今年剛從Berkeley畢業

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I try to gather the members of NCTU POP art club 6th together every year for a reunion party.

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這是一次很難忘的旅行 兼具了知性、感性與玩樂 既增肥又減肥
短短7天 大家建立了深厚的感情
離開的時候 就像離開瑞典時一樣,好害怕這份感覺有一天會失去

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道路駕駛真是刺激又有趣 除了開車以外 也兼旅遊耶XD

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Today we had a reunion activity for students who have been to Chalmers and those who are about to go there this summer.

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於是乎 今天我跟Mommy就一起出席他的頒獎典禮

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今天Mr Chu來我們家坐坐

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Last week, I visited a few professors who helped me a lot with my grad school applications. I expressed my gratitude to them, and chatted a bit with them, too.
當然也趁機跟教授們聊聊天 吸收一些智慧 呵呵

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In order to get a driver's license, I was forced to wear contact lenses for the first time in my life. And, hopefully, this will also be the last time...

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So, how are things going in Taiwan?

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