Cynthia Eshiuan Lee. An ordinary girl from Taiwan who is eager to meet the world. My home towns: Taiwan (Taipei & Hsin-Chu), Sweden (Göteborg), USA (New York & California)

目前分類:Life (9)

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今天我, Ash, Josh, Kevin Huang, Kevin Chang 一起去一間做parachute center的地方做高空跳傘skydiving!!!!

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 在聖誕節前夕,大家聚集在牧師James家開Christmas Party,以及驚喜的小慶生:)

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  在Stanford的第一個quarter就這樣過去了. Don't forget the joyful moments of the past few months....

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Position: Software Engineer II Intern (Masters)
Employer: Cisco

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這個quarter上了social dancing beginner's class,11/07(Fri)晚上有兩個活動:
1. Social Dancing class的outing - Starlite
2. Stanford Fall Ball

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 開學前一個禮拜,學校舉辦了很多orientation活動,讓new grad students互相認識,也讓我們熟悉學校的行政、各組織。

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終於到達Stanford啦! 很感謝剛到這幾天一直受到學長姊的照顧 讓我們一切都還滿順利的^^

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