Indeed the loveliest home:)
After months of planning, today we finally visited Emmy!
She lives outside of Gothenburg, so we took bus 600 to her place. It costs 5 bus coupons, but was totally worth it!
We sat by a beautiful river, and went swimming in a lake!
We also met Linn, her brother's girlfriend from China. She is such a cute and nice person! I really regret that we met her so late, and I'm just about to leave Sweden>"<
We stayed quite late, and me and Crystal ended up sleeping over night at their place. It's been a long time since I've slept in a REAL house. It's so cozy :)
At night, everyone prayed for me, and I feel so blessed. I know that I shall now have the stregth to go through many difficulties in my future life and of course joyful times as well. be continued

I'm totally exhausted now, but I promise I'll fill in the details when I've got more energy.

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