On an AWESOME summer weekend, me and five other Stanford girls - Ilana, Christine, Emily, Linglie, and Monique went on an exciting trip to LAS VEGAS!!!
Ilana & Christine是跟我一起carpool上班的Cisco interns。Lingjie(靈杰)是EE跟我同屆的女生,她在大陸出生的,8歲來美國~我們常常一起吃午餐,Emily&Monique都是Ilana的朋友,我們剛認識。我們六個Stanford的女生一起來了一趟vegas之旅!!
Friday, July 31, 我、Ilana, Christine 2:30pm左右從Cisco出發,開始了10個小時的road trip~
It's a fairly long drive from Milpitas (where our office is) to Las Vegas, but we spit the drive three ways, so it wasn't too bad. I volunteered to drive last because the sun makes me sleepy...
We stopped at Taco Bell for dinner, it's the first time I ate at Taco Bell, indeed not terrible!
The GPS made us make a few very weird detours, but eventually we arrived safe and sound at Stratosphere, it was already past 12am.
Saturday, Aug 01, Ilana and Christine left early to go to DEFCON.
**DOFCON: Hacking Conference http://www.defcon.org/
I got up at am9:30ish and started wandering around in the room, I called Lingjie but she didn't answer and Emily was still sleeping. I decided to go downstairs and check out the hotel.
After a while, everyone (Emily, Lingjie, Monique) were all ready and we decided to drive to Circus Circus and check out the hotels on the strip.
Circus Circus is quite large, but also a bit shabby and old.
Our next stop was Riviera. We decided to have a simple lunch at the food court here. Ilana and Christine came out from the conference to meet us for lunch. They brought some very intersting stories, haha. The DEFCON badge was quite cool, it had a chip on it and stuff, super geeky, haha.
After lunch, everyone was refreshed and ready to go again! Ilana and Christine went back to DEFCON for another lecture, and we headed toward Encore and Wynn. These two hotels are obviously related to each other, and they are both extremely gorgeous.
Encore's theme is butterflies, the floor is also beautifully decorated
We started window shopping. The stores and hallway were sooooo nice!
經過一個類似Mall的地方,我們決定進 starbucks買個冰沙清涼一下~~
這時候Ilana & Christine也上完lecture來加入我們啦!!
下一站: treasure iland! 我還記得十年前來LV的時候,晚上看TI的pirate show。忘記是誰說這個秀很無聊,是給小朋友看的,我就說:"I watched the show when I was 12, and I liked it!"很好笑XD Treasure Iland 我好像不太記得有什麼爆點…
接下來我們前往Cirque du Soleil - LOVE show的演出hotel - Mirage. Mirage有dolphine,還有aquarium,可惜都要錢…然後,裡面有一個感覺超酷的pool~可是非住那裡的人不能進去>"< 外面有一個很漂湸的水池,晚上這裡的volcano show!!