Cynthia Eshiuan Lee. An ordinary girl from Taiwan who is eager to meet the world.
My home towns: Taiwan (Taipei & Hsin-Chu), Sweden (Göteborg), USA (New York & California)
目前分類:Recipes (19)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2008-03-21 | 蘿蔔圓 | (217) | (0) |
2008-03-21 | 糖醋里肌 | (215) | (0) |
2008-03-20 | 咖哩餃 | (70) | (0) |
2008-03-18 | 米苔目 | (340) | (3) |
2008-03-18 | 黑糖麻糬 | (493) | (0) |
2008-03-17 | 碗粿 | (67) | (0) |
2008-03-17 | 紅豆糕 | (620) | (0) |
2008-02-23 | 2008.02.22 - 5904大餐日 - 中國菜 + 鴛鴦餅 | (62) | (2) |
2007-10-31 | 酪梨鮮蝦焗飯 | (179) | (0) |
2007-09-23 | 枊丁肉盅 | (45) | (0) |
2007-09-21 | 綜合煎餅 | (68) | (0) |
2007-09-17 | 東坡肉 | (40) | (0) |
2007-09-16 | 香料豬肉 | (51) | (0) |
2007-09-05 | 焦糖烤布丁 | (289) | (0) |
2007-08-23 | 焗烤雞腿 | (65) | (0) |
2007-08-23 | 墨西哥豬肉飯 | (56) | (0) |
2007-08-23 | 好吃的甜點 | (39) | (0) |
2007-08-21 | 雞湯 | (49) | (0) |
2007-08-21 | 起士燉飯 | (53) | (0) |